Latest Sermons

Below are some of the latest sermons.

Me, Myself and Why Part 1 Island Sermon By CSR

This month we are focusing on improving ourselves, and yesterday’s sermon set us on the right path. CSR dropped some amazing points. IDENTITY is who you are
March 5, 2023 by Consul Saint-Rhymes

Me, Myself and Why Part 1 Mainland By CR

CR dropped some blazing points 1. We have the license to improve on ourselves and be excellent. 2. The goal of every form of improvement is progressive excellence. 3. Christ is the goal and yardstick of all improvements; Improve yourself for the plans God has for you. 4. Self-improvement is progressive; seek to do something at every point of your life. 5. Self-improvement releases a better version of you that the world will enjoy. 6. Don't get stuck in what lies behind (the past); forge ahead; there is more. Prepare yourself now for the next level. 7. Change doesn't just happen by mistake; it's an intentional effort.
March 5, 2023 by Consul Rotanna

The Realationship 2.0 Mainland Pastor Mark – Q&A (Min Funmi & C2)

In a Relationship, when both partners give 100%, they'll meet each other's 100% needs. There won't be any thought or feeling of being 'used'.
February 12, 2023 by Consul Chinyere, Min Funmi, Pastor Mark

The Realationship 2.0 Island General Mayowa & Min. Hadassah Q&A (CB2)

Presence of a few conflicts that can be resolved as both parties remain friends A real relationship should bring out a better version of you because two should be greater than one.

The REALationship 1.0 Island

The more we learn to love like God, the more we learn to love. A relationship is not about picture perfect, it's about creating a master piece. The idea of a relationship is a journey.
February 5, 2023 by Pastor Mark

The REALationship 1.0 Mainland

If you want a real relationship, ask yourself, are you REAL? To attract someone, you must first be REAL. Don’t fake it.
February 5, 2023 by General Mayowa
Series: Sprout
March 18, 2025 by Consul Rotanna

Sprout 2.0 Island

Sprout in YOUR lane🌱🌱!Sunday's sermon on the Island was all about seasons and times, so give it a listen🎧.
Series: Sprout
January 22, 2023 by Pastor Mark

Sprout 1.0 Mainland

It's time to SPROUT🌱🌱🌱 This is your season guys, tap in🙏🏻.
Series: Sprout
January 15, 2023 by Pastor Mark

Sprout 1.0 Island

We're starting off the new year with our new series SPROUT!
Series: Sprout
January 15, 2023 by Consul Bunmi