Dating Highway

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Dating highway

Red says stop, yellow says get ready, and green? Well, green says go, go, go!

Navigating the dating world is no walk in the park, and to be honest, it can get downright brutal.

In the midst of all the highs and lows, mixed signals are the ultimate plot twist – stressful, confusing, and sometimes just simply draining.

Picture this: a driver has his left indicator on, but at the last second, he goes straight ahead or makes a sharp right. Total chaos, right?

You can already see the ‘kasala’ that will occur from that. A crash is certainly imminent.

Dating is no different, in a way. Mixed signals leaves the heart in knots, hurt, and confusion.

But, is there a way out? Absolutely!

1. Clear signals: If it’s green, be vocal. If it’s red, stop playing around. Yellow? Be clear whether you are ready or not.

2. Learn to decode those signals by asking questions and getting clear answers! It’ll save everyone the heartache, and wasted time.

3. Stay close to the one who truly knows what’s in every heart.

Mixed signals? They’re everywhere. But figuring them out is possible. 

Join us this Sunday by 4pm, as we find out whether we are “Ready or not”. Come with a friend.


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