Journey To The Grave Service 2.0 Recap

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Journey To The Grave (Mainland) Sacrificial Giving

Journey to The Grave (Mainland) Pastor Mark

Love Your enemies Matthew 5:39-48

– Jesus Christ came to show us how to live like God.

– The things Jesus did was as a result of the love that has
for us. Luke 23:34

How did Jesus overcome the desire to destroy the very
people he came to save?

• He prayed for them while he was still hanging on the cross! Luke 23:34

• Right from the beginning, he knew they would kill him yet he chose to still love them.

• He did not withhold good from them. Matthew 5: 43-45

• He forgive fully. Don’t keep any record of wrongs.

– We have a responsibility to love like Jesus.

– The journey to the grave is a journey to death, that you may find life in that death.

– The paradox of Christianity is that you die to live

– You die daily so that others can have eternal life through you.

– You are the Jesus that people should see. So how are you representing him?

Mar 26, 2024

Journey to the Grave (Island) The Giving Ministry of Jesus

Journey to The Grave 2.0 Island TA

– The journey to grave propels us to give up ourselves for Christ.

– It means Being dead to the customs of the world.

– You can’t unconsciously worship a person. In the same way, You can’t passively be a believer.

– Recall that God reminds us that a man that will save his life will first of all lose it.

– The Christian life is ironic. Christianity doesn’t compel us to convenience but to sacrifices. The gospel alters your heart and changes the way you think.

– The same spirit God has, you have. If Jesus can do it, you can do it also.

Customs vs the Word

Matthew 5:38-48

• The gospel compels us to love our enemies. Not because we want but because God says so.

• What controls your thinking reflects the action you take.

• The reason why you’re struggling with the principles of God is because you’re costumed to a certain type of thinking.

• Jesus’ model of life should be our context for Living. Romans 5:4-5

• God’s love compels us to live in the frame of his word.

• The Christian faith urges us to Remain selfless and seek God always. 1 John 3:13-19

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