The REAL relationship by General Mayowa Sermon Note

Service recap Hey there crew member, it’s the start of a new week. But before you run along to start on with crushing your goals for this week, here’s a recap of yesterday’s service. General Mayowa came in and had us snapping our fingers, laughing

Sprout Sermon Note

Make sure you are a fertile ground Keep watering that dream Protect the sprout Consistently prune yourself

what should I do?

Please I need advice. I love my boyfriend and he says he loves me too. We have been dating for 6 months now but for some reason we only meet at my place or at restaurants. He keeps telling me different things when I suggest


Winning against all odds means succeeding despite all hindrancesand obstacles that may come your way. It means rising above allthe barriers and challenges you face and then succeeding.There are many examples in the Bible of people who succeededdespite facing difficult times. An example is Isaac.

Pen Speak

In a world that is dark.Love is an unexplainable light.An indomitable might.Long epistles laced with affection that you write.Love is handholding and evening strolls.It’s beautiful energy and conversations from the soul.Love is a subtle whisper and sometimes, a loud drum.An impromptu play that takes you