Loving you has been the best part of our journey.

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Hey there, one thing we are big on in Transformed nation is love.

And what better day to express it fully than today. So, here’s a little love note we have specially for you.

Hey there gorgeous one,

Loving you has been the best part of our journey.

Since the day you walked in and decided to become part of the family

It has been the most amazing display of beauty.

It is as though our hearts should explode

In complete and utter excitement

And affection

Because you bring so much joy to us

Happy valentines’ day.


If you need to talk to someone today, about your relationship or lack of one, you have ears that are willing to listen. Just reach out to us.


If you’re not to busy collecting gifts or spying on someone that is collecting, lets play a little game to find out who is the most romantic of them all. Kindly download/ screen grab this valentines bingo and post it on your status, then mark the one that concerns you and then post it so people can know how much of a lover you are.
