Deserving 1.0 was so amazing. Such a powerful service. The worship session left everyone deep in reverence for God.
Consul Bunmi broke deserving down to us.
- You don’t want to sin because you love God, not only cos you fear God.
- Scriptures that prove God’s love
Roms5:8, Jn14:15; 15:9, Zeph3:17 Ps103:4,8,13,17, Zech2:8
- You are the apple of God’s eyes. Naturally speaking, we aren’t deserving, however, we’ve always deserved it, we just didn’t know we deserved it. God gives us what we least deserve.
- God didn’t send His son to die for you on your best behavior or days, he came to die for you in your worst behavior or days.
- You matter to God. It’s love that takes you to God and not the fear of hell. John17:23, 26
- Come out of hiding, you’re safe here with God. You’re already loved.