Image of a golden justice scale weighing gold on both ends


God is the one true judge and yet it seems as though some people deserve a heavy judgement for the things they did, but instead got a reward for it. We never really get what we deserve as children of God, we get something better than what we deserve.

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We’ve heard of sayings like “an eye for an eye”, “tit for tat”, “what goes around, comes around” etc.

In a proper justice system, every crime has its punishment . And it is believed that the punishment should be properly fitting for the crime.

We would term the decree of a judge as unjust, if the punishment for an offense is too heavy or too light for the crime committed.

But some how, it seems like the justice system in heaven works differently. And it is quite obvious to everyone. Murders can become apostles, liars can become leaders, adulterers can become disciples, the questionable list goes on. And of course, God is the only one who is called “just”.

In so many occasions, we’ve done things that we know we deserve to be punished for. But some how it seems as if God wasn’t even looking at it in the first place. If we were to judge ourselves or go before an earthly judge, the punishment would be dire.

God is the one true judge and yet it seems as though some people deserve a heavy judgement for the things they did, but instead got a reward for it. We never really get what we deserve as children of God, we get something better than what we deserve. That might seem “unjust” but it is a “just” God that makes the decree.
