Me, Myself and Why Part 1 Island Sermon Recap By CSR

This month we are focusing on improving ourselves, and yesterday’s sermon set us on the right path. CSR dropped some amazing points. IDENTITY is who you are Sometimes we build our Identity on things that don’t last like trends but they don’t last. A lot

Me, Myself and Why Part 1 Mainland Sermon Recap By CR

This month we are focusing on improving ourselves, and yesterday’s sermon set us on the right path. CR dropped some blazing points We have the license to improve on ourselves and be excellent. The goal of every form of improvement is progressive excellence. Christ is

The REALationship 3.0 Service Recap

What a way to end this series. I’m sure you can attest to the fact that this was indeed an amazing series. The live session was so good, there was more than a handful of points to take home. • If it’s true love, you

The REALationship 2.0 Service Recap

Hey there, if you thought last week’s sermon was mind blowing, this week came in with a bigger bang. P.Mark set us straight on how to do relationships the REAL way. With some bombshells, sorry, We mean, points, he straightened our perspective on Relationships. 1.

The REAL relationship by General Mayowa Sermon Note

Service recap Hey there crew member, it’s the start of a new week. But before you run along to start on with crushing your goals for this week, here’s a recap of yesterday’s service. General Mayowa came in and had us snapping our fingers, laughing

Sprout Sermon Note

Make sure you are a fertile ground Keep watering that dream Protect the sprout Consistently prune yourself